Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Parker Family!

I've known this family for a little over 20 years now! Derek (their youngest son) and I grew up together and have been great friends ever since. These are his great parents, Danny & Wanda below!
Diana and her family!

David and his family!

And this is Derek's family. Yes, they are expecting baby #2!

Love this shot of Derek, this is sooooo him, he has the best smile and always makes me laugh! He is actually our graphic designer. He has designed many things for Patrick and I over the years including my business logo (which I absolutely LOVE). His company is Lightsource Graphics!

The Whole Clan

I love this shot above of all of the grandkids in birth order

The original Parker family!

The Twins!

This was the final shot of the day, Derek had to go gather up all of the kids!